
To empower parents with knowledge to guide their children during the milestone of sphincter control.


Children will create healthy toilet habits as they transition from diapers to bowel and bladder independence.


  • Evidence Based-Practice

  • Judgement-free care

  • Honesty

  • Respect to individual child development

What is the pelvic floor?

It is literally the floor that holds our pelvic organs and controls our openings. The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that forms a sling from the pubic bone to the tailbone. These muscles help support the organs and control bladder and bowel activity.

What is pelvic floor dysfunction?

Pelvic floor dysfunction occurs when muscles are weak, in spasm or tight, or when a child is unable to coordinate contracting and relaxing the muscles.

How can Happy Potty Time help?

Teach you strategies to use with your child to develop healthy potty habits to protect the pelvic floor muscles and successfully transition out of diapers.

Identify if a pelvic floor dysfunction is the reason your child is struggling to achieve bowel and/or bladder independence, when indicated help you find a local therapist to get pediatric pelvic floor treatment.

Develop a plan that works for YOU and YOUR CHILD to achieve full bowel and bladder independence

Meet Shelly…

Shelly is a licensed Physical Therapist in WA and CA, USA. She was born in Mexico City, at 19 she moved to Toronto, Canada to complete a bachelor degree in Kinesioloy from the University of Toronto. After graduating, she spent 3 years working in clinical research at SickKids hospital with children with congenital heart disease. In 2013, she moved to Kingston, ON to complete her Master’s degree in Physical Therapy at Queens University. Two babies later, she found herself in Seattle WA, landing her dream job as a physical therapist at Seattle Children’s Hospital. For Shelly, motherhood has inevitably shed a light into the importance of pelvic floor function for good health. Shelly founded Happy Potty Time in 2020 in the midst of a pandemic as she realized the science of pelvic floor physical therapy has a clear place in pediatrics. She has completed continuing education in physical therapy treatment for the pediatric pelvic floor through the American Physical Therapy Association and she is committed to lifelong learning to best serve her pediatric clients. Shelly now lives in San Diego, she is passionate about exercise, is always planning the next trip, and will stay up late once a week to drink wine and vent with friends about life.

Headshot Shelly R Seleccion-11.JPG

Follow our journey @happypottytime




“ Shelly,

Thank you so much for your time. It was the most beneficial 30 minutes I’ve had since having Harry. I have got about 3 different potty training books and I’ve got as far as the first chapter in each. I had no idea how or when to start or whether Harry was ready. 

Thirty minutes with you and I’m inspired, confident and surprisingly relaxed about the whole process. I feel I’ve now got a plan of action”


“Shelly is amazing! I've worked with her with both of my kids, and I wish I knew of her earlier.  I tried what I read, googled and heard from fellow mom friends with my first one and wasn't making progress. What I loved the most is that she catered the program to each of my kid's, based on their personalities. With my oldest son I started working with Shelly when he was a little over 3 years old to course correct and better "guide" him (I love that she says we are "guiding" instead of "training" through this very important milestone). Within a month, my son was accomplishing successful potty trips on his own. Since I met Shelly, I started earlier with my daughter to work on her pelvic floor when she was 18 months old to start setting her up for success. I'm definitely a big fan of Shelly's "stress free" approach and how she helped build up independence on my kiddos, how to learn read cues and motivating children in a very friendly way, all over video conference”


“Shelly helped us a lot with our 2/5 years old daughter! She was holding pee all day, with some exercises she was able to go 4/5 times daily! Thanks so much”

“I really enjoyed hearing what you had to say and it really opened my eyes to realize that this whole potty training stuff doesn’t have to be as hard as people make out to you. I am excited to implement all that we talked about in our session and hopefully have a good easy smooth time tackling the next stage in XXXX life”


”Shelly muchas gracias por ayudarme con el proceso de XXXX! Me resolviste muchísimas dudas y me diste mucha seguridad para empezar el proceso. Te iré informando cómo vamos avanzando, pero por lo pronto, me quedo super contenta!”.



Muchisimas gracias por todos los consejos y por la paciencia en este proceso. Nos han ayudado mucho en poder quitar el pañal de noche. Esperamos lograrlo pronto”


“Mil gracias por todo el apoyo, fuiste una grandisima ayuda y nos simplificaste muchisimo el proceso”.


“Muchisimas gracias por las recomendaciones para que mi hija logre dejar el panal ! super buenos consejos”